Some Things I Forgot To Mention

Well, I had several poems in an anthology of “Four American Poets” awhile back, a few that are weird experiments (poems incorporating words from Virginia Woolf and poems about animals by Adrienne Rich, D.H. Lawrence, Thomas Hardy, Rainer Maria Rilke, William Blake, Marianne Moore and also a poem that somewhat by contrast, uses words from the refrigerator poetry application on Facebook!), a few that have been set to music by a jazz musician and composer, and a longer poem with four sections that is most similar to T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets, if it is similar to anything.  You can find more here:

I also have a poem called Enveloped in Whale-Lines in an anthology of works inspired by Moby Dick:  This poem is constructed almost entirely of words I found in the text of the novel.

And at some point in the near-ish future, I will have a poem in an anthology of poetry by women put together by the A Room of Her Own Foundation.

I have spent the last 2-3 years focused on fiction but I am hoping to write some new poems soon!

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